vita a
vieta achterkant
vita 7


Entersuit (2018)

Using data to enter a club.

Hacking the club door policy.

My research was focused on the exclusive club "The School" in Amsterdam. Clubs like this discriminate based on appearance, left unchallenged by society. As a result, people try to fit within the borders of this image in order to get in. This policy wrongly stimulates a monoculture we are all desperately escaping. 

I created a database of all the outfits of the people that got in. Using artificial intelligence, I made a suit that would predict and advice the outfit conformed to their policy. 

Entersuits stands for a club policy without prejudice and discrimination. I tested this in real life.

Brief: Hack a routine.




Using data to enter a club.

Hacking the club door policy.

My research was focused on the exclusive club "The School" in Amsterdam. Clubs like these discriminate based on appearance, left unchallenged by society. As a result, people try to fit within the borders of this image, in order to get in. This policy wrongly stimulates a monoculture we are all desperately escaping. 

I created a database of all the outfits of the people that got in. Using artificial intelligence, I made a suit that would predict and advise the outfit conformed to their policy. 

Enter suits stands for a club policy without prejudice and discrimination. I tested this in real life.